A selection of frequently asked questions about your stay. We hope to have covered most things. If not, please contact us.

Do I need to buy the Coupons on TouristCoup?
No. TouristCoup does not sell coupons. TouristCoup allows you to browse the promotions available, then connect with destination business.

Does TouristCoup guarantee the promotions?
TouristCoup takes special care in vetting the businesses that offers promotions on our site; however, we cannot guarantee that they will stick to the promotions. It is our suggestion that you contact the business in advance in order to ensure the promotion is still available.

How long does a promotion last?
Promotions can change daily. The destination business determine how long they would like the promotion to last.

Does it cost anything to use TouristCoup to plan my vacation?
Tourists are welcome to any links on TouristCoup at no cost! No matter if you visit us on Twitter, Facebook, or our website, your only cost will be the activities and deals you choose to participate in.

I would like to advertise my business promotion on this site. How do I get started?
Please visit our Registration page at https://touristcoup.com/registration/. It is FREE to register and promote any deals.

Can I request a specific coupon or deal?
Our offerings are limited to the promotions offered by local businesses in the popular tourist locations. Check back regularly for more deals!