Anguilla- Festival del mar

Festival del Mar

Held annually in Anguilla, this event celebrates the island's maritime heritage while promoting sustainable fishing practices. The festival typically takes place over the Easter weekend (March 27th-28th 2024) and features a variety of activities and events related to the sea.
Activities include:

Boat races: Traditional Anguillian boat races are a highlight, showcasing the island's maritime history and skill in navigating the waters.

Fishermen competitions: Anguillian fishermen often participate in various competitions, demonstrating their fishing prowess and skills.

Seafood tasting: Travellers can enjoy a variety of fresh seafood dishes prepared by local chefs, highlighting the island's culinary traditions.

Live music and entertainment: The festival often features live music performances, cultural presentations, and entertainment to create a vibrant and festive atmosphere.

Educational programs: Given the emphasis on sustainability, there may be educational initiatives and programs aimed at raising awareness about marine conservation and responsible fishing practices.